Our Studies

Ekaterina Guvva

+1 415 476-0973

Enhanced Stress Resilience Training in Surgeons: Iterative Adaptation and Biopsychosocial Effects in 2 Small Randomized Trials.

Annals of surgery

Lebares CC, Coaston TN, Delucchi KL, Guvva EV, Shen WT, Staffaroni AM, Kramer JH, Epel ES, Hecht FM, Ascher NL, Harris HW, Cole SW

Key factors for implementing mindfulness-based burnout interventions in surgery.

American journal of surgery

Lebares CC, Guvva EV, Desai A, Herschberger A, Ascher NL, Harris HW, O'Sullivan P

Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Training in Surgery: Additional Analysis of the Mindful Surgeon Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial.

JAMA network open

Lebares CC, Guvva EV, Olaru M, Sugrue LP, Staffaroni AM, Delucchi KL, Kramer JH, Ascher NL, Harris HW

Feasibility of Formal Mindfulness-Based Stress-Resilience Training Among Surgery Interns: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

JAMA surgery

Lebares CC, Hershberger AO, Guvva EV, Desai A, Mitchell J, Shen W, Reilly LM, Delucchi KL, O'Sullivan PS, Ascher NL, Harris HW

Burnout and gender in surgical training: A call to re-evaluate coping and dysfunction.

American journal of surgery

Lebares CC, Braun HJ, Guvva EV, Epel ES, Hecht FM

Burnout and Stress Among US Surgery Residents: Psychological Distress and Resilience.

Journal of the American College of Surgeons

Lebares CC, Guvva EV, Ascher NL, O'Sullivan PS, Harris HW, Epel ES